Woman kissing dog

101 Essential Tips: Web-Books for Dogs & Cats

"Short, sweet, and very helpful!"
"A must-have for all pet owners"

An easy read that costs less than a latte and has literally saved lives.

Our 101 Essential Tips books for dogs and cats are now available as digital web-books.

These trusted web-books can be accessed anytime. They are packed with extra resources, like how-to videos and more. It's a digital resource that you can always turn to for help.

When you know better, you do better.

Dog Better

Dog Better

101 Essential Tips: Health and Safety

Essential information to keep your dog healthy and safe.

You can't prevent what you aren't aware of - and when it comes to pets, there's a whole lot you need to have on your radar. Learn how to avoid digestive upset, set up your dog's safe space, prevent tragedy, and recognize signs of common med­ical conditions and emergencies.

A must-read for all dog owners, even if you've had dogs your whole life!

101 Essential Tips: Dog Health & Safety

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Train Better

Train Better

101 Essential Tips: Behavior and Training

Essential information you need to raise a well-adjusted dog.

Finally, a book that helps answer your dog behavior and training questions! Guide your dog's train­ing journey: From potty and crate training to avoiding separation anxiety. Learn the stuff you'll need, the stuff you should avoid, and the "why" of it all.

101 Essential Tips: Dog Behavior & Training

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Cat Better

Cat Better

101 Essential Tips: Health and Safety

Essential information to keep your cat healthy and safe.

Valuable advice that will help you be the best cat owner you can be, regard­less of your level of experience with raising and caring for cats. Learn how to cat-proof your home, provide essen­tial nutrition, environmental enrich­ment, as well as how to avoid common poisonings, traumas. and a host of other medical conditions and emer­gencies.

101 Essential Tips: Cat Health & Safety

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Physical books are available

But I want a book-book to read and put on my bookshelf!

We've got you covered. You can order physical books here.

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